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[英文] general是什么意思 [複製鏈接]

( x  D. ]0 h9 Y" a

% M& k8 T8 b( {+ c1 k  general作名词的意思:
5 `, b& |; v$ H  C  `4 P. r  一般;常规;上将;一般原则
4 ^! ]. u( C6 X/ ?# k2 R# @! |; W* n  general作形容词的意思:
' P" U& \- k+ U' W( W  普遍的;大致的;综合的;总的,全体的2 [# w: n3 J- @1 ]7 Z
  general的英语音标:' S! I/ R5 }  Z
  英 [ˈdʒenərəl] 美 [ˈdʒɛnərəl]
6 ?, ^+ Z" R+ a6 i% c$ A  general的复数:! W" y: N) f/ l& I5 @" m
  generals- R9 l; g1 _2 h  J& Z8 V. E
  general的英语例句:% j  Q: Q% S- v
  1. The operation is carried out under a general anaesthetic.# m" V# E1 O7 L# W8 I
  该手术是在全身麻醉情况下实施的。) Y5 R6 |/ w1 E0 M
  2. The Afro-Asian nations had approved the basic general principles of non-alignment.2 u7 d/ ^# B0 d" A$ G/ h' R
3 J: P4 b8 q  A2 L# u  3. She had a confused idea of life in general.
' A! y6 Q) D- u  l+ [/ L; `  总的来说,她对生活非常困惑。
4 d) C0 n2 c. A0 I% F# Q& V" L  4. Howe carefully cultivated Daniel C. Roper, the Assistant Postmaster General.2 ^. l$ q9 b4 B: m$ F. h+ _7 A
  豪谨慎地和邮政副部长丹尼尔·C.罗珀拉近关系。" X- x/ W( T$ \2 @
  5. In general, incumbents have a 94 per cent chance of being reelected.4 d4 F. [# h+ {# I# t
2 g# U; J6 P% a  6. The General does not like non-combatant personnel near a scene of action.' u7 Q2 e) R+ m. j2 s2 g; i4 u* q( l
  将军不喜欢非战斗部队人员靠近战场。4 [" G! h0 _$ E1 L; H- G& M0 D2 d- e$ x: N
  7. Residents in general are poor and undereducated, and live in sub-standard housing.. c) \# r# r2 R0 n1 F" I9 A$ b
6 J4 c5 ^8 {& v  8. One of the company stepped out and saluted the General.+ g4 B- C5 Q. ~! d$ l
  人群中走出一人向将军敬礼。) n2 O" x1 r1 q; \$ O* l8 ^
  9. There was a general revaluation of other currencies but not the pound.
1 U. {& l( V+ L* K, z% F  除了英镑以外,其他货币普遍都升值了。" g0 Q3 {  }* D
  10. The country is in the throes of a general election.
( D$ f  F% D1 d7 U; B  该国正忙于大选。- l4 Y0 S% `' _% Q+ c2 B9 X
  11. We believe that this is a general model of managerial activity.: k' X; ?# U+ k! ]/ `' a
  我们认为这可以作为管理活动的普遍范例。' z0 R" n8 f1 o" ~! v: A
  12. He joined Sanders Roe, moving on later to become General Manager.
& P( ~- A8 j7 a' s2 c1 I  他加入了桑德斯·罗公司,后来一路晋升至总经理。
% c% h8 y; g$ F, r9 H  13. General Rudnicki was a moral beacon for many exiled Poles.
6 D# s4 n: ~( e% {6 `5 C& J  鲁德尼茨基将军是众多被放逐的波兰人精神上的引路人。
" A# ^0 i4 A2 `  14. The medical board would not pass him fit for General Service." M3 ]2 Q! Y/ g5 |
  医疗卫生委员会不会批准他为全科医生。9 t* k+ |) Z' C
  15. This study is described under "General Diseases of the Eye"
1 l/ R4 x* e. D  “普通眼科疾病”这一部分里对该项研究作了描述。) Z7 l& ]# e& V( x1 d' m+ y
) R7 \% H. E2 M  {% }) E
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