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[英文] 双语经典诗文:夜之颂歌 [複製鏈接]

双语经典诗文:夜之颂歌  O the Night, the Night, the solemn Night,
: D7 s% B7 ?4 N1 Q  P* G  When Earth is bound with her silent zone,
/ a" L( U4 r+ p+ M$ T  And the spangled sky seems a temple wide,/ t1 V; C+ v& V" [7 S
  Where the star-tribes kneel at the Godhead's throne;% ^) D( g0 X  Z) o" O: ]. A: M
  O the Night, the Night, the wizard Night,# M* ~. A9 X9 w$ l( ^2 E% \
  When the garish reign of day is o'er,7 q  \; ~7 b0 m* p- W
  And the myriad barques of the dream-elves come. q% s; F! N# f, ^, q
  In a brightsome fleet from Slumber's shore!
4 g) R  _& n6 K9 }  O the Night for me,5 M1 }9 v9 z) U$ Y2 O" C. k8 q
  When blithe and free,
' @( \1 E- J3 P; t2 P; U; \4 w8 _  Go the zephyr-hounds on their airy chase;
9 m6 H2 v; y5 m4 y  When the moon is high5 s3 q& R1 z7 g, ^) g2 e
  In the dewy sky,
8 S; V+ Q& U& U  And the air is sweet as a bride's embrace!5 u8 T) E( E# Y+ j+ R/ @( ^# N! q$ _
  O the Night, the Night, the charming Night!! E* A& y0 J+ J1 d0 S. m" }
  From the fountain side in the myrtle shade,
/ H3 j" n3 c  B5 Y# R9 a2 l  All softly creep on the slumbrous air
7 p2 |$ s6 H6 ~( O  s& B' X  The waking notes of the serenade;7 {* _8 H$ }( S7 S
  While bright eyes shine 'mid the lattice-vines,
7 |+ `3 U: f8 \. C' [" l  And white arms droop o'er the sculptured sills,
8 b) q2 Y5 y* W, ^8 G+ ]. Q; g9 X  And accents fall to the knights below,( f7 C) E4 f, ~4 j
  Like the babblings soft of mountain rills.$ y! ^; d8 m& [; K! Y3 ^
  Love in their eyes,
3 y4 d9 M+ h$ n0 w5 Q  Love in their sighs,' o3 ]4 ]( s4 ~0 ?
  Love in the heave of each lily-bright bosom;
4 G; {4 L5 {* S2 r% G) X( X  In words so clear,; X. z8 w/ ?$ s6 L/ G! r
  Lest the listening ear
2 `7 {  G9 k" i6 T  And the waiting heart may lose them.
6 f" ^" P0 w8 H& _: a$ t  O the silent Night, when the student dreams
7 A' `  M# V! ]0 S: S: h  Of kneeling crowds round a sage's tomb;
8 `. }4 ~4 K& h; d* m- ~5 w  And the mother's eyes o'er the cradle rain
" X  i0 v: m* C" r5 o  Tears for her baby's fading bloom;! O# c+ N; p0 x; n0 X: _2 c9 B% K+ H
  O the peaceful Night, when stilled and o'er& ^% I% z- D1 F4 {2 v
  Is the charger's tramp on the battle plain,
* K0 u3 ?* [4 v: l  And the bugle's sound and the sabre's flash,
! c' n' x) L7 R6 Q1 k! j; e5 F  While the moon looks sad over heaps of slain;( q+ d/ g7 w, r4 Y/ X0 T4 _
  And tears bespeak- z7 k) h; L% H, n' z
  On the iron cheek
$ f' h. H& s% b1 n  Of the sentinel lonely pacing,
/ F- D9 B  z9 Z# E. g" K3 x% ~3 Q  Thoughts which roll
3 S) o/ _  P9 e1 U8 y  Through his fearless soul,7 m& ?& ]: \) I3 i: Z
  Day's sterner mood replacing.
; _1 T1 B0 G2 u5 p  O the sacred Night, when memory comes
; i( ?% U) |0 M- B  With an aspect mild and sweet to me,
* K4 X: e  H; D/ G  But her tones are sad as a ballad air
) }% p  z5 V: y- F: N* k, G  In childhood heard on a nurse's knee;. a3 \+ O) h$ L
  And round her throng fair forms long fled,
+ R8 e& m* t! n, C- o+ K  With brows of snow and hair of gold,
7 d2 B6 E/ P8 w6 M  And eyes with the light of summer skies,
( p2 {  K* X+ w* `3 i* E3 u% O  And lips that speak of the days of old.: y4 L! F; d0 l5 E. t9 g6 v% d
  Wide is your flight,7 `5 @+ _2 T2 r% X
  O spirits of Night,
3 [" L& c3 H& j" x  By strath, and stream, and grove,' a% ?1 @6 j7 U$ z5 Q* U
  But most in the gloom
5 w3 n1 a4 r  y  S3 d! V! B  Of the Poet's room" l  }8 h0 u  P9 y, J
  Ye choose, fair ones, to rove.  {& g. c1 f' }. y; J* a
" P7 W" O; _6 i: F% I2 B" {  大地沉入寂静的世界,5 S, W9 a+ X5 m& q$ _7 j" ?" s
  灿烂的天空像恢宏的圣殿,: [. y  {/ E+ \5 c' ~( s3 |
  星星的族类朝着神坛跪拜参谒;' k2 [- E! P! C8 N( m+ F9 ]
* Y( L. H6 Z1 x  耀眼的白昼不再肆虐,% {# }5 T& A" u/ S3 f
' H9 y3 i7 n" F( e, W% o  船队驶离睡眠海岸冰清玉洁!
% f5 R  E' q4 y; [% e4 Y; S  啊,欢乐、自由我的夜,
' C+ ^' }# q' R: b  驾驭清风去天际追猎;
* E: W1 q' O1 r3 f$ j( D  空气如新娘的拥抱一样甜蜜,1 G' C- L# N/ I6 p% V* b
3 [4 X2 g2 \' k( U) d! t+ {  黑夜啊黑夜,迷人的夜,+ |3 u. z, a: {& z+ u( d
( s) f6 {. D. b; u" L' e  在催眠的氛围里温柔流淌,7 d1 w! B" U- l" a5 b- ]0 q$ o5 N
, S6 l- e/ r9 O1 i  白皙的双臂无力地倚着花格窗台,
  K5 {. `; r4 k. x+ C( v: S. E  明亮的双眸在葡萄藤蔓里光彩摇曳;6 D& C: K) K4 |# T2 h) ^2 ?7 Q
$ g+ I) r9 N5 W  窗下语音各异的骑士赞赏不迭;; {- p* G8 p0 Y) x( c
  眼里充满爱念,8 a. f: p. p8 v2 \" {
  艳羡的叹息相继不绝,$ v7 h8 B: j, I0 b
$ T! ~5 X0 u6 C' J3 A  言词斩金截铁;
% L9 L6 l( M& @  唯恐她倾听的耳朵不曾听清,
' {, e4 B7 W% Y& O. Q  只怕她期待的神情未能察觉。% w) b/ `5 t" ~  q7 z8 `' q* h
  黑夜啊黑夜,宁静的夜,. f6 y: ^- x0 Q$ l; l
8 a4 g# C0 j' N/ I5 B$ \3 k; n3 h" H  母亲两眼凝视着摇篮,$ h' c' ?$ G% U; T! s2 ?6 H
  洒泪只为婴儿如鲜花凋谢;' k- {+ A' e) X0 ]2 S
  黑夜啊黑夜,平和的夜,% C' D0 ~$ T: l, f& b
; S8 U1 w! l" c$ b" a, V9 k8 r  刀光剑影与号角不再,
* e' J, l$ d  [! F: `0 G) Q6 h  俯视堆积如山的尸体月亮悲痛欲绝;" O& U. d) P. ~
  g8 g9 c2 T; W. Q# F0 V+ v/ p  面颊坚定如铁,
  I: B  U9 O, S7 L* ^. f3 t  闪烁的泪花隐含酸楚,. O/ q0 F4 K. r
  尽管内心无所惧怯;, X  y; ?( p2 e
& \4 B. r; c# s4 r% Z6 A% }! X  情绪稍欠刚烈。% B* G9 k, `8 ?# P+ i
" I9 h9 e$ ?8 Z5 U5 n& e  让我忆起激荡甜蜜的情结,4 B+ f  r: _4 {. q# o5 Z
' K  v. P) n$ k  y( G4 ^- L  一如儿时在母亲怀里听过民谣的呜咽。
& K6 V3 @; n( D+ L  她所有的美丽久已消退,' k2 e' l) ]$ X$ U2 I/ [
0 }% A1 D. Q6 p  红唇讲述以往的故事," p+ ?- Y2 r% ]1 w1 s
: s5 E9 s/ A3 O% W4 [  啊,夜之精灵,6 s3 O: ~, C8 K' b  n- S& \9 G5 u9 L
$ g+ R7 q8 \( E' a0 ]1 H  照亮幽谷、溪流、丛林,一切一切;) Z& E2 A! H" S9 ?# E
, y3 a# J: P7 w5 m; J7 T  专让美丽的人们在室内无法安歇。) f4 c, A" a1 |6 F8 n$ B3 h

% k7 q: G& V  ], W
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