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[英文] Zhuge Liang Pays a Mourning Call诸葛亮吊孝 [複製鏈接]

Zhuge Liang Pays a Mourning Call诸葛亮吊孝" h# d, r9 h! v7 X/ D; M; g$ b

1 x# o) r' h5 D  W
  This is a story from Three Kingdoms. Zhou Yu, chief commander of Wu, Was talented and proficient in strategies and tactics but was narrow-minded and intolerant of others. He discussed with Zhuge Liang plans to conquer Cao Cao while simultaneously pondering how to murder Zhuge Liang. Zhou Yu had been wounded by a poisonous arrow when he was attacking Nanjun. Zhou's wound burst when he learned that Zhuge Liang had already taken over Nanjun, Jingzhou and Xiangyang. Zhou Yu, with a healing wound, racked his brains for ways to capture Jingzhou. His strategies, however, were all seen through by Zhuge Liang who even sent him a mocking message. Zhou Yu was vexed again. "Since You(the Heaven) made me, Zhou Yu, why did You make Zhuge Liang too?" Zhou Yu grudgingly asked before he took his last breath.
. h6 p! ~2 w& T" ?5 t$ m  Learning of Zhou Yu's demise, Zhuge Liang decided to go to pay respects. Fearing that Zhuge Liang might be murdered, Liu Bei send Zhao Yun with 500warriors to protect him. Before Zhou Yu's coffin, Zhuge Liang personally offered libation, kneeled on the ground, and read his eulogy. Tears of grief gushed forth from Zhuge Liang. All the generals from Wu were moved. When Lu Su saw Zhuge Liang was in such grievance, he said to himself, "Zhou Liang was narrow-minded and he brought on his own death."* r; ^# N" [, {% k% _
  东吴大都督周瑜,精通兵法,才智超群,只是肚量狭小,不能容人。他和诸葛亮共商破曹大计,可又想加害诸葛亮。周瑜攻打南郡时,曾身中毒箭。当诸葛亮趁乱用计先取南郡、荆州、襄阳后,周瑜一气之下箭伤复发。病中的周瑜仍想智取荆州,均被诸葛亮识破。周瑜一气再气,在"既生瑜,何生亮"的怨恨声中死去。" u7 ~6 E( a9 ^7 U2 Y9 D- Z
  诸葛亮得知周瑜的死讯,决定前去吊唁。刘备怕诸葛亮被害,派赵云带五百军士保护。在周瑜柩前,诸葛亮亲自奠酒,跪在地上读祭文,泪如泉涌,悲痛不已,众将均被感动。鲁萧见诸葛亮如此悲痛,自言自语地说:"周瑜肚量狭小,自取灭亡。"5 n" O& g9 c, d9 X" U
' E) v) l% ^' i, x3 W
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