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[英文] 阿甘正传英语经典段落1 [複製鏈接]

阿甘正传英语经典段落1  Mama thought it would be good for me to go to the public school cause maybe it would hep. m6 i7 H2 Q  s- V
  me to be like everbody else, but after I been there a little wile they come an told Mama I ought'n1 ~( B% U0 O' a4 ~6 {2 g# h
  to be in there with everbody else. They let me finish out first grade tho. Sometimes I'd set there
4 m' W' s$ [. `# z/ a6 x5 N3 p  wile the teacher was talkin an I don't know what was going on in my mind, but I'd start lookin out
9 c8 u7 ^. B# N  x  the winder at the birds an squirrels an things that was climbin an settin in a big ole oak tree
' H, n2 ]0 I+ T# x8 Y0 r  outside, an then the teacher'd come over an fuss at me. Sometimes, I'd just get this real strange
8 b5 B# `6 w2 x. Y/ `9 f  thing come over me an start shoutin an all, an then she'd make me go out an set on a bench in the+ P3 O/ L/ |$ k  T; v, h2 v, M
  hall. An the other kids, they'd never play with me or nothin, cept'n to chase me or get me to start
" U2 O: A$ ^. h  hollerin so's they could laugh at me— all cept Jenny Curran, who at least didn't run away from me
( w$ a! M+ Z6 g. b( Q0 y  an sometimes she'd let me walk nex to her goin home after class.- Y+ {' `' q) r% R+ A7 J3 d% u& i
% j- G) M6 u) h+ ?' e& ?3 B7 G, Y
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