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[英文] 经典英文诗精选:The Way [複製鏈接]

经典英文诗精选:The Way  At first a mere thread of a footpath half blotted: f% @4 I9 h6 M. U
  out by the grasses
1 q; \- S! j5 k' s! N4 E  Sweeping triumphant across it, it wound between hedges of roses
  B1 V$ X9 R. Z1 X2 Z1 [3 |2 }  Whose blossoms were poised above leaves as pond lilies float on5 ?2 G% Q) W9 {  |/ k& n
  the water,- e- T+ P/ m! l5 D# Y/ U
  While hidden by bloom in a hawthorn a bird filled the morning with
2 A) W$ \3 d$ Q) z+ W" k( q  singing.$ G& D9 P) r& s% O! W2 V. S  z
  It widened a highway, majestic, stretching ever
) A: z& \7 G3 M5 E/ M  to distant horizons,7 }' A1 l2 |! V. j3 Q
  Where shadows of tree-branches wavered, vague outlines invaded by$ b. Q9 [0 Z' ?
  sunshine;( |4 z) s! {# j$ v5 H- \, A
  No sound but the wind as it whispered the secrets of earth to the' u- y5 P7 \9 H; y0 d8 L1 M
  flowers,* R+ g7 T) o' d; X
  And the hum of the yellow bees, honey-laden and dusty with pollen.
/ F8 J  c9 V$ s( A& M  And Summer said, "Come, follow onward, with no thought save the
: p& H7 S; t" t/ {+ ~  longing! K" @+ L& p5 I( y7 U( m* J
  to wander,
; d9 L1 W5 ]  }0 M4 @: W3 c  The wind, and the bees, and the flowers, all singing the great song1 F& F  F% }/ ~0 M
  of Nature,/ t# s, M/ ~# P
  Are minstrels of change and of promise, they herald the joy of the
$ W+ m& j: H1 h' E0 ^  Future."  H  l8 X. h, N$ f5 ]7 L1 A0 s
  Later the solitude vanished, confused and distracted
9 L" y% A' w7 P$ u9 a  the road
* O8 P  {; u9 q6 w) L# @+ m  Where many were seeking and jostling. Left behind were6 Z" ~$ d6 d0 e! b7 l- ]
  the trees
6 D0 |. D6 [" S' G1 d+ [& k+ k- R  and the flowers,2 x: N; ?( r$ G) c
  The half-realized beauty of quiet, the sacred unconscious communing.2 x( G/ a* ~$ _6 l  I
  And now he is come to a river, a line of gray, sullen water,
" x0 E2 H' L3 W- f& X5 g% w4 E  Not blue and splashing, but dark, rolling somberly on to the ocean.. t: J( a1 L/ n- n) M
  But on the far side is a city whose windows flame gold in the sunset.
7 e# b7 d3 I+ K; ]  R+ I  It lies fair and shining before him, a gem set betwixt sky and water,
! k4 r- H2 W7 b  And spanning the river a bridge, frail promise to longing desire,
0 I' _6 a" U6 k6 ]  Flung by man in his infinite courage, across the stern force of# c" E- \! l) Y4 l5 J/ k
  the water;
  S' G+ p  r7 [  And he looks at the river and fears, the bridge is so slight,
' S/ @! Q0 a3 f' T, K4 O9 c- p  yet he ventures$ J4 J3 O. I- @. |) {& n7 x
  His life to its fragile keeping, if it fails the waves will engulf' @1 J. b  |& F$ |, c2 j0 R: x
  him.7 h# J8 g& M  s" \) T
  O Arches! be strong to uphold him, and bear him across to the city,, b% b1 A! t' J* P; c/ Z1 Q+ s3 k& [7 X5 i
  The beautiful city whose spires still glow with the fires of sunset!
3 \1 A4 x5 j) x$ e5 {
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