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[英文] 优美经典英语诗歌:天使在你身边 [複製鏈接]

  Surrounding you are angels,0 ?8 e  s6 L5 m* I. m4 b
  They are there to guide your path,
# a. `4 t* g! T- n) M) s; O9 @9 O  If weakness overcomes you,. X+ x: T7 y8 ~8 z) l2 ?5 c8 v- }" Z
  They'll give you strength if you will ask.
& K8 z, A$ |8 H; ^1 T  They are your protection
# l% ^$ [9 j5 q9 K: x" M  When life seems too hard to bear,  e" L* q8 }" i1 k) e5 R
  And though you feel alone at times,5 g* K2 ~. ?1 }) C
  The angels ... they are there.
, Z; y& h+ H, y  Their faces may be hidden
3 r( j7 e/ X" Q( W  And their voices you might not hear,
0 Z( r7 W+ E* v  w& q; \( q  But they are ALWAYS with you,
9 l. \; h; I) @) U4 k# D" O  Through your laughter or your tears.
1 |2 N5 o( _: r7 h" G8 Q  They'll walk along beside you,7 h0 q- ?0 w" S8 o* P: {5 u
  They'll guide your steps along the way,
* b) G% a- p, V/ }6 V( }  They'll comfort you and hold you,
! |; a( c' s4 Q4 k  p" ^8 w' L  Protect you night and day.4 M+ h# `4 Y: T0 C  u
  They'll hold to your hand tightly,
; `; S+ i% z/ f' f+ \; P% T& C  They'll not ever let it go,/ O- a5 H+ V" D  P$ c" Z2 |9 r1 w
  And they'll gently lead you forward,+ o( o; w  L2 N( y6 _% `
  Taking each step very slow.3 u' O/ o! e9 z2 K8 B! O
  For even as you slumber,9 x4 K- V( C+ p# \
  They watch closely over you;
  I% G9 S- d: u/ N, J  They are there beside you
7 L3 r& Y7 L6 k% V/ d5 e" I  In each and every thing you do.
! J/ @& [# p8 L' u  When life is overwhelming,
# J6 q6 c" D- ]) ?+ q0 ?  f  And your spirit has grown tired,* }9 K% L/ v( L6 {: j
  Know they'll be there for you,
- c6 [! o# j8 C: \7 |  To uplift and to inspire.
% y% i: t1 l* {( [2 Y7 E6 Z  And when you're torn and lonely,+ A" S9 l. m; |: r7 d1 y
  And you see no hope ahead,7 T" ]. W+ I- S. E# e$ U$ ?
  Know that they will nourish you,2 ~6 e* M3 `$ ]5 ?" `
  Your spirit will be fed.$ q4 _4 @  \6 M+ U
  And if there comes a time in life+ E; z/ J- T3 L, o, q
  That your heart has been broken,
! b/ y" L5 A" y4 l+ m, \2 n! \, m  Hear the words, "I'm here, my child,"
5 d" T+ R6 a9 H+ Y  And know your angel has spoken./ t+ I# [  n" ~! @
  For even in the darkest hour,
9 X+ l2 O1 ^1 S& b5 W  When all of hope seems gone,4 v2 D" k/ T. h7 C; q
  They'll give you strength to live your life,1 {8 k6 ~+ E  u; ^
  And desire to go on.
. ]2 p( K6 O3 F  And if your faith in Heaven,1 f/ Q& Y/ }% d1 ?0 a5 ^
  Should ever fade away,9 T2 e% J2 c1 S8 z, J6 O% i
  They'll help renew your spirit,
1 {; W1 |8 |9 v0 x1 e8 u, M) }  And help you find your way.
( @, B  \3 D- ]/ S  Even though you're ever filled with doubt,
! M; L7 o; [7 Y" o, m) Q+ W  About the life you live,
+ N4 W' f9 J0 y+ b$ J. L  Know that they are there to give you$ k- L+ E; i0 F1 K. X( y' `+ m
  All that they can give.; W- W/ g, N0 r: o0 N( B3 |/ I/ q6 V
  For you see, the Father sent them,
. Z! h+ u6 a% ?3 O  Because to Him, you mean so much,& P) ?2 J9 |' Y9 @
  That He sent them "just for you," my friend,1 @6 H! A# ^4 M9 A. O1 V
  And your life, they will touch.
$ c5 t1 M: M& z  X& n( ~$ V  They will always be here,: ?" R0 y. v& _  u3 {- P4 e+ N
  They will "never" leave your side;
% A0 K6 A$ s! H4 I9 |9 l  And upon their strength and guidance,
0 Z! L# ~9 q5 x/ t2 i% M  You always may rely.
# S' e: n( n% X* ?" ]. Y  Take comfort in their guidance,
# Q) ^2 {2 g5 ^3 h9 b  Draw strength from up above,) z, e) K* I5 p% ^
  And know that their sweet presence,
& ~, Q  S3 f+ t. Q  Is God's precious gift of love. 0 _% C' t* t" x6 l/ z% N9 T
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