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[英文] 谦虚的英语名言 [複製鏈接]

) }7 v" R& V+ Y  `3 ^& ?- D  Humility is the conscience of the body.% @8 d# y7 p# h0 X) }1 T
  t6 e! `6 }* ]% ^- \" C) X& g  Modesty is the bulwark of America and Germany.( Y/ C  B- X! _
  3、谦虚其心,宏大其量。, W: R" ^2 I2 E, T
  His humble heart, grand its quantity.. c2 H1 T6 d3 L. J: x
  4、只有坚强的人才谦虚。- {; _1 w1 j9 `. l
  Only a person strong humility.' k' n, n3 \# }& H* ~$ y3 l6 X
  5、谦逊是最高的克己功夫。+ ^1 J/ o7 a2 t7 p
  Humility is the highest the self-denial of kung fu.: K& Z& q: j$ v
  6、缺乏谦虚就是缺少见识。' g# e* `  D) i8 P  C/ s
  A lack of modesty is lack of knowledge.4 ~; S9 C: T8 e4 Y& h8 X
  7、谦虚是最高的克己功夫。" `3 r2 T0 Y& y& |% T3 [/ @& S
  Modesty is the highest the self-denial of kung fu.9 ?: P! L' z1 N4 f+ ?' Q
  8、谨慎比大胆要有力量得多。) X. }) B. l9 |: n( \4 F
  Caution is much more powerful than bold.' G- h* t% R. C1 |+ d* i
  9、谦虚温谨,不以才地矜物。* y, F+ \# n* D: o" O) g" ~
  Modest WenJin, not to only pity.
/ W+ r1 Y6 w- [- }+ L  10、缄默和谦虚是社交的美德。: n( M$ j1 ^  z& Y
  Silence and humility is a social virtue.8 s6 `' y. _+ r, J) U1 O. v9 s6 b$ F
- A: m( @0 O7 @2 M& U6 G' U. K$ w  The most important components of a brave is cautious./ \: _0 S. j2 Y& l
  12、审慎的人做事总是按步就班。  {0 i- S& y* |9 Z
  Prudent man always do things step by step.
% k4 t1 Q* l/ |$ g6 I# g) L  13、虚心顺理,学者当守此四字。
1 D2 v* r4 ^: {" p+ U8 y4 r  Shun, modestly scholars when the four words.* d7 f8 M. |: d- N4 i" r5 p+ s* n* n
, Y7 q( X4 {  p' _5 @) \& Q/ Y  Youngsters a word, the more in the recitation of life.2 q& N4 w$ L$ P& f# A5 S3 z6 z
  15、谦者众善之基,傲者众恶之魁。2 ?7 D1 x- {* g* g
  Modesty is the foundation of all the good, the evil chief pride.  y0 O6 l* Q$ C* l2 K/ z3 S) J
  16、只有大意吃亏,没有小心上当。( \8 {7 T: Q/ f9 K( M) B
  Never cheated, watch out.7 [3 \' b0 S" \) E2 h
  17、勇敢而谦虚、谨慎,这是美德。' Q4 Q( N+ ^' [. [/ {% z9 O! g
  Brave and modest, cautious, this is a virtue.% V# A& `& _2 n
  18、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。- V- H- _/ `5 J  G3 U; k) T
  The more no ability became more pretentious.
( c5 ?' T2 k, T, k2 g  19、天下无万能的人,人贵有自知之明。
+ C. w' c* Z7 S: J, k  The man of universal, people in the world you have self-knowledge.
' n5 ?) M0 V) i/ M  20、遇事虚怀观一世,与人和气察群言。
* t( ^( H3 ]$ d6 E3 T  Something I, open mind and examine QunYan with people.) T# u* j+ e# x: h# H
0 ~( Y( C9 o$ ]" x2 a  Blasted into the evil when self-taught, blasted into a problem when the fear.. e( b  e, j) }' [' Z& w" e/ @
) d& K3 v0 i/ ]' ~$ q4 u  A good first modest, learning the vast endless period.
5 y2 v+ |. g: _  23、在顺境中要节制,在逆境中要谨慎。' O6 j2 u, C; x5 C# j9 E% J
  Moderation in prosperity, caution in adversity.
+ _5 r; g2 x0 y" w! y# |8 i  24、科学的未来只能属于勤奋而谦虚的年轻一代!
  a' g  a3 E7 \, ^3 b% n  The future of science can only belong to the diligent and modest younger generation!, o. G! ?) `8 Q2 n: N6 I
  25、谦柔卑退者,德之余;强暴奸诈者,祸之始。$ I7 I( ?" x0 E% M& a2 Q! T2 K
  Meek low back, after DE; The beginning of rape viper, a curse.
+ }) }5 E. D( ]  26、谨慎的人对自己有益有德行的人对别人有益。5 ]( c# Y$ p5 O* A# R& j
  Prudent man from people of virtue is good for your own good for others.
' T  D) B) _* i6 f; O/ o9 U. T  27、慷慨,尤其是还有谦虚,就会使人赢得好感。
$ @  U* ~, w- j9 j; ?. N  Generous, especially with modesty, can make people win favor.
/ Q, z% E( k0 I: a2 F9 s  28、善良和谦虚是永远不应令人厌恶的两种品德。
* x0 E5 f$ u& \- \  Kindness and humility is should never hated two character.* j8 i6 y* u4 F- I( a/ I- ?1 z* X
0 v/ w9 l: @1 A2 F0 p$ R  A proud, and the result is always in the proud destroyed himself.5 z" a0 F6 ^% I! n
( L9 y; T# n& j8 C* @  Things haven't do achievement braggart boast, really bad.$ J) O9 h& b+ v6 f% u. ~* H
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