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[英文] 有关宽容英语名言 [複製鏈接]

  1、最高贵的复仇是宽容。& a* s: l' F+ N: X5 i& E% Q
  The noblest vengeance is to forgive.1 g1 s$ \4 X) T5 D  k, R
  2、逆境总是有的,人生就是进步。% `/ |, |' T8 r( i/ f
  Adversity always exists, life's progress.! q( T% o4 g: ]+ c( U) n( R# q4 W, U
  3、宽容别人是大度,宽容自己是豁达。) H' m, T8 C4 H, }4 J7 G
  With tolerance to others is generous, he is open-minded.
' m  m; R2 J# p' h& W# F2 y' O2 x) l3 N  4、度尽劫波兄弟在,相逢一笑泯恩仇。
$ E+ w1 c9 v3 V0 Q/ T. u  Degree in JieBo brothers, meet a smile life.5 Y+ b* r( g+ _0 C; y# I
! _5 Q; S% g: p7 W, g. C  Can endure can make true gentleman, flexible, man.
. p* h  S9 j0 o# }  6、忍耐是痛苦的,但它的结果是甜蜜的。& [! r5 d# R2 W. f1 ?) c
  Patience is bitter, but its result is sweet.3 b& Z/ R' j( t! P9 Q
  7、奋斗改变命运,梦想让我们与从不同。/ S1 J; T0 m' b
  Striving to change destiny, the dream let us and from different.
* f, q' C3 L6 V* w  ~1 t$ L  8、乌云上面就是太阳,困难背后隐藏成功3 u) Z- n! K5 ]. t5 ]- K
  Dark clouds is the sun above, difficult behind success.
( E, z7 U% s! }* O* V% r  9、用宽容去呵护生命,用诚信去成就人生。& q) J8 P, y6 o5 X& f6 T; {/ F0 K
  With tolerance to care for life, with good faith to success in life.
* T& _# J: |' ]% @4 Y  10、有时宽容引起的道德震动比惩罚更强烈。
% ?% O& @0 R! ^0 t  Sometimes tolerance caused by the moral shock is stronger than punishment.
2 g$ g, S0 V' `. i4 q8 _' \  11、是宽容而不是纵容,是诱导而不是命令。# n. i" l- {7 Q8 ^* U
  Tolerance is not indulgence, induction, rather than command.
2 L5 @5 u5 ~9 Y# W, ]  12、在强者的眼里,生活的每扇门都有拉手。. `! P' p9 \7 f7 M
  In the eyes of the strong, the life of every door shake handshandle.: x# Y6 @5 x/ M" Z
) N7 q7 Y+ |/ _  s4 f  Waves again big also under the bottom, the mountain is in feet high.. y8 ~4 r: q8 F5 |3 a; [! X
! U7 A9 u$ p; Z! w( o2 K0 l# q/ w* {. G  Is psychological health, psychological is ideal quality enhancement.: D0 \; S+ E7 [
8 U! J& c, t5 l$ N  The god of justice, tolerance is the most perfect our actions.* ]5 a9 D) A' |5 R
. ~6 |  L0 y/ ]7 ]0 e1 H' r  Shouldn't be unworthy of tolerance of others, tolerance of others.3 D' W' ], ]+ Y5 d! A, ^! S; D9 Q9 v
  17、时间冲淡一切痛苦,生活一定创造更新的喜悦。* D! ]1 c6 o0 m8 r7 m3 f2 I% U6 h
  Time dilute all the pain, the joy of life must create update.$ X( w& L# M% d1 |1 @  D
  18、人的问题比人还多,世界上最大的敌人是自己。  b+ N- u& R6 n& d. f
  There are more problems than people, the world's biggest enemy is yourself.
. @8 ?* W! I+ q/ w# K6 [  19、如果被失败吓倒,那么成功永远不会向你微笑。
' Y3 x1 p0 [% B- G8 _/ _/ t  If be intimidated by big failure, success will never be smile to you.
: {- j( |  l1 o  20、一个不肯原谅别人的人,就是不给自己留有余地。
. p# K7 q2 v6 p( c" z  A is not willing to forgive others, just don't leave room for yourself.( W9 n( E, l! _# C/ L5 @9 ^# T
  21、宽容就是在别人和自己意见不一致时也不要勉强。; T) y6 L% b! G
  Tolerance is in other people and you don't agree and don't forced.# K% `( o8 J! H6 X
  22、用宽容的心境和同学相处,友谊才能稳固和长久。' \* U4 E! ]& C) ?- R& |0 g. r
  With the mood of tolerance and classmates, the friendship can be stable and long.
4 h2 Y4 t2 Z/ D, ^4 A$ I9 j  23、人生就像一张磁盘,烦恼可以删除,快乐可以拷贝。& D+ {' Q) ^' k
  Life is like a disk, trouble you can delete, happiness can be copied./ S3 O& U2 U& ~5 i
$ p4 d& a1 Z, y  Tolerance is not tolerated mistakes and weakness, but a strong and brave.
" n" ?; D% `8 a& Z  25、人心不是靠武力征服的,而是靠爱和宽容大度征服。/ R/ O$ w2 }. U
  The heart is not conquered by force, but by love and tolerance.! t- z/ r( a# f3 `5 W+ E* p# u
  26、胜利者不一定是跑得最快的人,而是最能持久的人。' S( ^( i$ p' H
  The winner is not necessarily the fastest runner of the people, but the most lasting.9 g3 I2 D0 X6 J1 C1 n0 F
" e% o$ n( Q7 f+ J( S! Q+ c  Although I don't agree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it.
% G2 S( k$ `- {. N  28、保持一种平和心境,你才会在欲望的丛林中忘乎所以。8 [6 P% e. D/ c4 w
  Keep a peaceful state of mind, you will get carried away in the desire of the jungle.' w; c* ]) `  |/ t8 X# k1 c9 s
  29、一个伟大的人有两颗心:一颗心流血,另一颗心宽容。2 }3 ?: F4 _0 k( ]$ o
  A great man has two hearts: one heart bleeding, another heart tolerance.
! C( o( j3 \4 ^; I: m  L0 v
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