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[英文] catastrophe的近义词 catastrophe的英文意思 [複製鏈接]

catastrophe近义词:& w& V& g8 W$ u  e% J4 w
  disaster, calamity, catastrophe, misfortune# J/ W' X- a  J" K
. `$ I& r/ H0 l/ w  这些名词均表示"灾难"或"不幸"之意。
; J( Q- a- Q8 W; s8 c7 R  k  disaster 普通用词,指大破坏、痛苦或伤亡。
, c+ t0 z9 D( v  Q  calamity 多指个人的不幸,比disaster严重,强调灾难引起的悲痛以及对于损失的感觉。
1 v* ?1 X3 k) V7 {  catastrophe 语气最强,指可怕的灾难,强调最终的结局。, q, T, i8 z# _' e8 @
  misfortune 普通用词,多批较为严重的不幸,强调不幸多由外界因素所致。
- q  t1 t( {5 w) V) J  catastrophe的英语例句:
& m: w3 }5 l# X5 a! I  V5 k7 B  1. They suffered an electoral catastrophe, winning a paltry 3 seats.
9 y, ]% ], [; R  他们在选举中惨败,仅获得微不足道的3个席位。; q! Z2 a4 S6 s6 t; n9 q% Q$ N4 ^6 q
  2. Early warnings of rising water levels prevented another major catastrophe.
, e5 }' U, _# v  提前发出的洪水水位上涨警报防止了又一次的重大灾害。
! P2 x/ N% m/ Y4 y  3. I owe it to you that I survived the catastrophe.! ^5 D3 \7 v; l+ V* V8 q* n
  亏得你我才大难不死.( i/ h/ X6 x5 r3 ^: \$ r9 U
  4. Their English party turned out to be a catastrophe.
4 _* E$ Q3 ?/ W- T' y: b1 |% p3 D* i  他们的英语晚会结局糟透了.+ G% W( }9 h% O4 s7 t) x# V2 W" U
  5. This is a catastrophe beyond human control./ H$ d8 o; T6 W: P# Q
4 f8 g: o+ I$ q2 Z6 P  6. The flood was a major catastrophe./ u' R. e  F1 h
! w) \6 T& }& X  ~) \: l0 v  7. A big earthquake is a catastrophe.2 P- o) e9 o1 p$ a7 f
  大地震(对人类)是异常的灾祸.# |; I) |! C0 H( G2 j
  8. If the world is to avoid environmental catastrophe, advanced economies must undergo a profound transition.7 j3 ?* o/ }* ]
  世界若要想避免环境灾难,经济发达的国家必须进行深刻变革。/ ~; a' y! y  f# ?7 C. ^8 Z
  9. Every one feels that a disaster is imminent, as if a catastrophe is about to come.
' g9 ]6 S- v( i  谁都感到大事不好, 似乎有什么极大的灾难即将来临.
2 E1 A0 {5 ~/ W: t$ C. f0 @+ x  10. The catastrophe of a tragedy usually brings death or ruin to the leading character.
+ h- t3 r8 V- ]7 k: c  悲剧的结局常常是主角死亡或毁灭.
6 k+ [' {' \0 j0 E& L# _2 t$ a" E  11. Until he saw the trapped wagons and animals, he did not realize the full extent of the catastrophe.
7 P' q8 k+ ]% w$ Z% |7 Q+ X  直到他看见受困的马车和动物,才意识到灾难的严重性。
3 _% I% }, ^8 x+ u  12. We live in the shadow of the apocalypse, of a catastrophe that will mean the end of the world itself.
3 z! u, R5 n% L; g! H1 \9 a  我们生活在意味着世界末日将要到来的灾难的阴影当中。( f! {! Q8 B0 \# L
  13. Now the whole town was talking about the catastrophe in Shanghai.: N% \; G4 X5 R' w0 k9 P8 O
/ \$ P( }: B  t  14. From all points of view, war would be a catastrophe.5 u8 |" s* ~" W/ Y8 U% t
. p' A8 ?3 q# j- b9 q3 d+ ?; j  15. The earthquake was a terrible catastrophe.# ]) @2 L9 d' e3 i0 }5 g
5 E$ u' M  r( y7 n/ j4 W% R2 E
; S5 D+ }4 ]' K3 c2 a( z
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