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[英文] 阿甘正传英语经典段落3 [複製鏈接]

阿甘正传英语经典段落3:  m( i# ]$ t/ F
* B7 M- |  i* S/ Y  B1 w+ V+ G# r
  When I was born, my mama name me Forrest, cause of General Nathan Bedford Forrest who4 _  Y4 v4 G0 Q$ u
  fought in the Civil War. Mama always said we was kin to General Forrest's fambly someways.
; H8 M. w- N! J6 J) s: [6 D  An he was a great man, she say, cept'n he started up the Ku Klux Klan after the war was over an* i7 C' W1 U. J
  even my grandmama say they's a bunch of no-goods. Which I would tend to agree with, cause
/ S8 L. G% k( y, |  down here, the Grand Exalted Pishposh, or whatever he calls hissef, he operate a gun store in
5 o& x8 i, ~; I& q. e4 l7 g1 R  town an once, when I was maybe twelve year ole, I were walkin by there and lookin in the winder) I8 {, G8 K  `
  an he got a big hangman's noose strung up inside. When he seen me watchin, he done thowed it
' y( i9 o+ ^  k& @1 Q( n9 D9 K  around his own neck an jerk it up like he was hanged an let his tongue stick out an all so's to scare
- C+ l5 P4 {- A$ F  me. I done run off and hid in a parkin lot behin some cars til somebody call the police an they4 c  |- l3 `: Q$ E$ G3 b4 a" {
  come an take me home to my mama. So whatever else ole General Forrest done, startin up that3 ~& d6 }' y8 A* \$ }
  Klan thing was not a good idea— any idiot could tell you that. Nonetheless, that's how I got my
4 o) k4 M+ ?- V+ y( `7 [  name.
' a% ~) U* X# X. j! P% E( y
4 M0 ^, N( g# A( q8 D, n: Q/ c! t; D! r
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