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[英文] 经典英文诗歌:两颗破碎的心 [複製鏈接]

经典英文诗歌:两颗破碎的心8 R: e5 y5 ]( |2 l
) r* E4 l+ Y* u& K1 C
  Run through the cold of the night: j% d  n& [6 B( k1 K3 a7 ~
  As passion burns in your heart
! ~1 ]" i; i1 p  Ready to fight, a knife held close by your side2 {4 h* A. Q/ V, _
  Like a proud wolf alone in the dark
) `! I; e! e% r0 [  a, F0 ?: |  With eyes that watch the world
, O( ?$ g# O0 M9 d  And my name like a shadow
$ S" X/ T3 a: |) H  On the face of the moon( ^- I+ I: V$ A; y; M! e# l; ?
  Broken mirror, a million shades of light
" |" `9 ^& I3 C4 z  The old echo fades away* O4 V, X5 |- l' M8 E
  But just you and I2 i5 T- Q) S* Z3 [
  Can find the answer; K9 Q7 ]1 [6 K/ G, q6 k; Y
  And then, we can run to the end of the world* ^, Q, X& b# u
  We can run to the end of the world
; a5 T, M/ B8 T  Cold fire clenched to my heart
! o+ V) W2 R" u7 q& y* E  U- h  In the blue of night7 H8 T$ V; E! _% U
  Torn by this pain, I paint your name in sound
  k0 i, M+ h2 d+ z* `) ]  And the girl of the dawn with eyes of blue, and angel wings, }/ t4 p; P% ]5 x0 I7 r/ V0 ]
  The songs of the season are her only crown# w& y8 V+ F. n( b- l( _
  Broken mirror, a million shades of light" W5 i; P* }, f$ d
  The old echo fades away  Z, H, O: j- l2 t. s0 X( j
  But just you and I
/ X8 X8 A% V+ f5 X0 j  Can find the answer
0 p# t0 ]9 r1 R& C  And then, we can run to the end of the world& z9 m! ^: ^; w
  We can run to the end of the world* U6 @! ^% T  D) R
  We met in the mist of morning
+ G9 ~" W/ ~1 D  q7 i. g  And parted deep in the night5 l6 `9 r7 W4 s' x: c( K% o
  Broken sword and shield, and tears that never fall% J9 p& s* Z' s3 C% R* y' r. d
  But run through the heart
; N+ R8 j4 [% Y7 L* Y  H' v  Washed away by the darkest water) \0 |) V# B8 g
  The world is peaceful and still/ J: q( C' W' B$ \7 S2 |. j
  Broken mirror, a million shades of light
( X3 e$ h% j6 n$ E$ o# X& f5 A  The old echo fades away
+ P1 Z" @! l# o! N/ L  But just you and I2 F' U. `& e8 S8 ]. e* f
  Can find the answer. ]8 u% g$ \' `; Z  x' U, Q1 K4 U
  And then, we can run to the end of the world5 V( B( d- \: `% B
  We can run to the end of the world! N. d  @( I3 O+ V) H
  g+ K) ^* \0 J  热情在心中熊熊的燃烧
- R1 D: ^, @# C1 x6 c; t  身旁携一把战刀,时刻准备向前冲
7 B, m/ f4 E: `' d  l+ g% H  就像黑夜里形单影只的一匹骄傲的狼
' Q' m8 L  E* D* H" [2 q% `8 w  d: p  目光扫视世界" j: ~6 ]5 v7 G1 G* d5 v, |
; ?4 Q9 h6 M! t2 L1 N" v' ?# {+ e0 F$ X  面对皓月
; |; g: q2 T/ \1 @9 Y  破镜,反射出无数光的影子
6 i1 C$ u0 R" S! t  过去的回声渐渐淡远
# Z& h. x5 o: n$ p+ g* K8 e  而唯有你我9 M; p4 K8 P  W" a3 |& D; p/ J
  可以找到问题的答案. ^# Y5 C* c! g2 B) |. D
  那么,我们能走到世界的尽头- N! y. @- Y# t  b) i( H' N
* F0 ?5 }4 [8 r% D  夜寒,火把紧紧的靠我心4 B; \' ?" l0 Z: m7 T( R
+ a; r2 p! Y+ j# [( N  为这痛苦而撕心裂肺,我把你的名字刻在声音里& S/ ?: Q; D, S8 e" ]$ ?% U
8 k2 ~" _' R3 l, F+ D. {  季节之歌是她仅有的皇冠
  q% c6 u2 ?( B  破镜,反射出无数光的影子: }1 I, K5 B& L; ~! ~3 R
  过去的回声渐渐淡远0 ?, ]0 B9 m/ S
  而唯有你我8 ?3 _- {( l. ^  G
" u- z  h  z8 N" U4 J  那么,我们能走到世界的尽头
9 V) [5 ~. d0 ~, k/ A' R% L0 u  我们能走到世界的尽头' J6 `/ H6 R8 M% _' J; n
  我们相遇在清晨的雾霭中" B6 d; \! N1 I. A5 r* x
  在深夜里分别5 C5 {+ f6 D  ^" _7 p' V1 w8 i3 w' K) R! Z* y
  心里的防剑、心中的挣扎已打破,热泪却不曾掉落2 I+ s" H9 |. F. l$ o
  穿越心坎8 h5 J' O' R6 ^2 y# K
/ G& W9 t' `0 N6 G# g4 m& q) E  世界依旧平和、安宁, m9 L1 [2 @  g+ M
  破镜,反射出无数光的影子4 G8 l! L. k- V& S( l- ^
  过去的回声渐渐淡远1 q3 P: T2 _) I$ `( D3 C' [! }
  而唯有你我: Y  {' a7 W! V9 n. i+ U
+ Z! \% I% a; _2 v  Q* q* X  那么,我们能走到世界的尽头
5 y1 W  q- n% E+ [( U+ E: e7 i9 V  我们能走到世界的尽头
: z( _6 B  u9 Z0 j* }/ q
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