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[英文] Adjective 形容詞 [複製鏈接]

What is an adjective? 甚麼是形容詞?2 ?3 |" @. s4 a0 e" d% m
An adjective is a word that describes a noun or a pronoun.
. ^* K" y, R9 t+ ~* q形容詞是用來形容句子中的名詞或代名詞的。
/ H6 B; g: ~7 c3 m* }, I7 u& N: K5 |2 n% C$ f4 N3 g0 s
(1) An adjective can describe the quality or characteristics of people or objects.
, x. R" X+ K, H" ]形容詞可以用來形容人物或事物的屬性或特質。
: g+ k# [6 Z8 F0 X0 \( D1 e/ z--- big, yellow, wooden, round, beautiful, young, happy, etc
9 s& J) b# Y+ G1 }5 J
! W: A8 Z$ x  K/ B! ?# z(2) An adjective can also describe the quantity of people or objects.8 q: M' V" y0 E, t" m
形容詞也可以用來形容人物或物件的數量。7 T. ~0 N6 v; w( b# L8 a  e
--- some, any, all, no, enough, many, few, much, little, several
; Z& i/ z2 I3 H1 t$ L# c! c; B9 {4 ]- a1 E/ w' r
(3) An adjective can be used before the noun or after the verb.
. l7 {$ a' a* ~7 B  T3 P* v3 \形容詞可放在名詞前或動詞後。1 a: f4 X4 h2 |6 n" |" y
Before the noun:
4 `& z9 V4 l$ y, K3 g1 [3 |This is a beautiful girl. ; N9 M3 D) E: ?4 a- E' M
After the verb:
/ J7 X! r4 U/ A2 D8 J( ^: O# HThe girl is beautiful.
$ S9 Z  \8 n9 I" z6 z5 i. G- _  b*Despite the different positions of the adjective, "beautiful" in both of the sentences above is describing the "girl"., H  U4 s" B2 D# {
*儘管"beautiful"這個形容詞在以上兩句中的位置各有不同,但都是在形容"girl"。7 h1 i0 b( m4 @( [8 L

8 ?. k5 q# \, a' x7 C' u(4) Generally, we can use 1 adjective or 2 adjectives together to describe a noun. We can also use 3 adjectives together but it unusual. And it is very unusual to use more than 3 adjectives." F; `) c- G0 s% d
普遍地,我們可以只用一個或兩個形容詞連在一起來形容一個名詞。我們也可以把三個形容詞連在一起使用,但這不是很常見的情況。而把多於三個形容詞連在一起使用,更是十分異常的。: v, |) F7 E6 @* C7 F2 c  E
8 j6 X$ w- @) g, n( l/ f8 I% w
When 2 or 3 adjectives are used together, they will follow a normal order. # A5 G3 ]7 }" m
; ]. O+ [3 a4 u% ?' k
; y/ c: z6 j  e/ D4 f0 R) k7 qGeneral order 整體次序:
7 U9 v; `: Y; X+ `& mopinion >> fact
' P, b  W- r0 Y2 d3 e, y2 C8 sOpinion: Your views towards something. 你對某人/物的意見或看法。Fact: The specific characteristics that describe something. 用來形容該人/物的特徵。0 x& j9 \# M- {& x
--- It is a dirty round box. (*not a round dirty box)
! {0 J4 w* ~9 f* G9 m) G$ x/ ^
8 Y  s6 W) @" l0 }Among the FACT adjectives, there is also a normal order:
4 S: N1 U8 m) q( Asize >> shape >> age >> colour >> origin >> material
" }* K0 B  Z& S- ]8 d. i5 [: m8 ^--- It is a dirty round wooden box. (*not a dirty wooden round box)         
! f' P2 `( q7 v2 `$ K1 E
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