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[英文] 奋斗英语怎么写 [複製鏈接]

strive的双语例句  ]# [8 Y: T" l. Y
) ~4 H/ C1 E/ F+ S: y. n8 C
  But companies, like people, strive and dream and in this case both dream, at least sometimes, of destroying the other.7 c; a: k; E4 z  `
  但是公司和人一样,努力发展并且心存梦想。在这一事例中,两家公司至少有时在梦想能把对方置于死地。" u; e( \7 e' y( J9 M+ n) c; a
  Because it is a natural emotion you do not have to strive to get rid of it completely you only haveto control it getting out of hand.7 Q- B$ Q4 L: M: n! J% G
  因为愤怒本来就是人类的一种很自然而无须去力争完全控制的,你所要做的仅仅是保持它在你的掌控内。# v$ B) Y$ @) g& b! W
  Strive instead to get the good marks next time.
. k% F, W1 b& g3 Z  为下次获得一个好的标记而努力。' t0 Y$ I% a: J4 q; m
  I strive everyday to live as my BEST self.
% n5 q' R, h! R/ A/ n" D' c0 k  我努力以最好的自己来度过每一天。
9 g1 w4 S) h. P* F' ?, o  Of course, China could strive right now for a major role for the SDR, and repudiate that in thefuture when the yuan moves towards becoming a reserve currency.
- ^: ~" ^3 {/ A. r: E  诚然,中国现在可以为争取特别提款权的主导作用而奋斗,然后在将来人民币逐渐成为储备货币的时候推翻这一切。
+ c: _; w; x4 ?6 g, h  You should always do the best that you can and strive for the best grade that you can possibleget.
0 O1 R3 d% I( ~0 t5 g  你必须时时刻刻做最好的自己,为了你能得到的最高的分数去努力奋斗。
4 Q$ ]4 {5 B4 r# ~  ” That’s why I strive to start every day with Him.
$ b. h+ i  K( [1 ^  这就是为什么我要努力与他共度每一天。0 ]0 r* b' U& a& [' S2 m  `6 ^
  In putting forward the concept of building a harmonious world, China will also strive to attain thisgoal.
' s7 ]% H' l$ m2 B; e' J4 V6 }  (既然)中国提出了建设和谐世界的理念,(中国)也将为达到这个目标努力奋斗。
- X' \7 I+ l9 S6 g# s  Another distinction between journalism and other forms of information is that journalists strive forindependence from the people they cover." Z4 r6 l7 S, }7 A
  新闻报道与其他资讯形式的另一个区别是,新闻工作者努力做到与报道对象保持独立。7 d! J, v& [, |! A  n
  Though it might be difficult, you should strive to be patient in your life.' r$ y+ ~/ k0 F6 q& Q6 M! `
  虽然学会忍耐是很困难的,但是在你的生活中,你应该努力变得忍耐。  K( F6 V$ U- J, p$ w  T0 H& p/ l7 \
  But let’s strive for proof.0 x" F" w3 r, ?# ~+ O% b, I
/ \$ \0 O% f0 ?# G* o7 M# ?  But let’s strive for proof." u  c2 U6 [+ p: r
0 c1 x4 A' P( b( ]
2 F, K9 ]% f7 N2 S. [8 [+ B
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回復樓主 親!! 現在是後半夜!妳失眠啦?餓啦?通宵加班?還是想WK啦?

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